Housing and Growth Articles and Research

April 20, 2022

The future is not the past: Challenging the use of historical propensities to determine future housing mix Kevin Eby, Winter 2022

Population Forecasting in the GGH A Comparison of the Growth Plan Population Forecasts and the Ministry of Finance Population Projections Kevin Eby,  March 2020

Census data shows Toronto’s housing units growing faster than population Globe and Mail, February 9, 2022

Canadian Housing Evidence Collaboration. This website is full of interesting research and analysis

Finding the Missing Middle in the GTHA Graham Haines and Brianna Aird, Ryerson City Building Institute, October 2018

Seniors in core housing need in Canada in 2016 Statistics Canada. Please look for upcoming analysis in 2021 Census- important to undertake community level analysis of census data- how many seniors are living alone in what types of housing

A Blueprint for Action: An Integrated Approach to Address the Ontario Housing Crisis, AMO

Better Dwelling Better Dwelling is Canada’s largest independent housing news outlet. 

Giving Developers Free Rein Isn’t the Solution to the GTHA Housing Challenges Mark Winfield, PhD

Housing action plans: a guide for municipalities CMHC website

Priced Out:  Understanding the factors  affecting home prices in the GTA Cherise Burda, RBC and Pembina Institute, 2013